Internal medicine is for the treatment of internal diseases. Internists are the physicians who are specializing in internal medicine. They are the primary care providers and patients visit when they have any new health issue. Not only this, they are well ready to handle different conditions. There are some diseases that affect internal organs of the body such as diabetes, cancer or high blood pressure. Internists are experienced to identify the disorder and aid the people according to it. Internal medicine covers conditions affecting internal body organs-the heart, the liver and gastro-intestinal tract, the lungs, the kidneys and urinary tract, spinal column, nerves, muscles, joints and the brain. Depending on the medical conditions of the patient, they need to see different internists and it can be expensive and time-consuming. But in SAS GREWAL MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL you will get genuine and not much costly treatment. You will receive proper medical guidance that is important both for prevention of diseases and routine care.
Dr. GS GREWAL is a specialist and head of the internal medicine department in SAS GREWAL MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL. His dream is to work closely with the patients because the way of every doctor is different for interacting with the people. He is well experienced and has better understanding of when recommendations are necessary. Moreover, he always checks when the sick person need special care. Also, he listens to the patients, understands and tells them what is disturbing them internally. Promotion of long-term wellness is our main vision.
We have long ago equipped with UGI Diagnostic Endoscopy. for Diagnosis and Biopsy purpose. we too have holtor recording facility as well. I.E. 24hrs ambulatory ECG.
Re Liz Lilly We are actually indebted to Mrs Liz Parker a Ultrasound Radiographer who has been backbone of establishing Ultrasound Centre she was trained and worked in Saint Thomas Hospital London. Hospital where queen of nursing Florescence Nightingale worked. Our respects, regards and indebted to her.
Awards & Certificates
Today is very significant day of my life ie29/9 this day after heard efforts Hospital was inaugurated and dearest Papa Ji was happiest person and I wish for his blessings always and my teacher and political mentor Tohra Sahib and all especially Dr PN Chuttani Dr PL Wahi Dr J S Gujral And dear Chacha Ji S S Grewal and Chachi Sarla GREWALIAS