
Pediatrics is a medical term that includes medical care of babies, children and adolescents. Pediatrician is a medical doctor who is specialized in this field. Mostly pediatricians work in super speciality hospitals and are physicians for primary care. Undoubtedly, there are differences in adult and child pediatric medicine. Their body sizes are different and paralleled by changes in maturation. Doctors always take care of this difference between them while observing symptoms, recommending medicines and identifying the illness.

The distribution and absorption of medicines are different between grown adults and children who are at developing stage. Injuries, infections, genetic conditions, organ diseases and cancer are some conditions among children which are treated by pediatricians. They are concerned with the management of ill child consisting problems in behavior, social stress, mental disorder including depression and anxiety. Not only this, but they also pay attention towards quality of life and survival of the children.

Specialists present at SAS GREWAL MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL are veteran in prescribing medications to the patients. Pediatricians and nurses are trained here to take care of the babies. Pediatrician is present to get the baby moment at the time of birth. We will not only offer medical care but also preventive health services to your children. In both sickness and health stage we manage mental, physical and emotional well-being of the children. Our main aim is to decrease infant rate of deaths, control infectious diseases to spread and aid the children by providing solutions for the illness.

  • We have a team of staff which looks after all the new born babies.
  • Our Paediatrician is there too receive the baby moment it is born.
  • We have facility of Phototherapy for Jaundice of neonates.
  • We have trained Nurses to handle the babies with tender care.
  • They train the mothers for baby care and feeding etc.
  • We have a regular vaccination programme for the babies, which is twice a month throughout the year. All the possible vaccines are available for the babies. We also help you to get babies birth registered with appropriate Authority.